Wednesday Wisdom 06

by | Dec 20, 2023


The mental gymnastics that my brain goes through to spell Wednesday correctly remains puzzling to me, no matter how old I get. Kinda like life.

There’s no doubt I need God’s wisdom to guide me every day. But I need extra on Wednesdays. smile

danger quicksand sign-ww06

Sinking Sand Traps

There is an image in my head of a young woman stuck in quicksand.

It’s a memory that appears every now and then, originating most likely from some scary movie I should have skipped as a kid.

As I recall the scene, this woman was in serious trouble.  She was good and stuck, flailing about, yelling for help.

Help wasn’t coming.

I can’t remember how she got in that predicament, but I do remember the more she tried to fight the quicksand’s pull on her own, the deeper she sunk.

Now I wouldn’t say open pits of quicksand were prevalent this side of the Delaware River, but I knew I’d be steering clear for the rest of my life once I watched that scene.

Except I didn’t. Not really. Not always.

Truth is, I’ve built entire houses right on top of sinking sand a time or two. The stuff was more prevalent in my neighborhood than I thought. The metaphorical stuff anyway.

Jesus warns about making those choices in Matthew 7:26-27:

26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and doesn’t act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27 The rain fell, the rivers rose, the winds blew and pounded that house, and it collapsed. It collapsed with a great crash.

Slippery Slopes

Here are some examples:

If I build on a steady consumption of social media comments, likes and dislikes, I feel myself sinking.

If I build on trusting in my every emotion to lead and guide me to truth, I feel myself sinking.

If I build on my own fears and failures and not Christ’s everlasting love for me, I feel myself sinking.

And if I build on thinking I can overcome any obstacle solely in my own strength, it’s not long before I feel myself sinking.

Strong Foundations

So what’s the key to avoiding these sinking sand pits? Trusting in the right foundation to support you. Activating the wisdom of God in your life.

That means things like…

loving when maybe it’s easier to hate.

giving when maybe it’s easier to keep.

being humble when maybe it’s easier to boast.

forgiving when maybe it’s easier not to forgive.

being cautious and discerning when maybe it’s easier to trust flowery words and fancy promises.

Overall, that means seeking Jesus and His Word on a matter when maybe it’s easier to just go and do what we feel like doing.

I encourage you to grab a hold of the wisdom of God, which is a firm foundation for your life, with every next step you take.

Reading Matthew 7 is a great place to start (or get a refresher) if you’re curious.

And as far as complementing soundtracks go, I don’t think you can go wrong with this one. smile

More Wednesday Wisdom…

Wednesday Wisdom 07

There are times that I read Scripture and I’m extremely thankful for easy access to a good thesaurus and commentary. Sometimes — many times — I need help to get a deeper understanding of the text and its proper application for my life.

And then, there are passages like Philippians 2:5-11 that immediately leap off the page, dive straight into my heart, and leave me awe struck.

Wednesday Wisdom 05

If you’re at all like me, you’ve probably misunderstood a song lyric or two in your travels.

And like any other communication misfire, you roll with your version like it’s the truth. You don’t know any better. Yet.

You stay in that holding pattern for years.

Then comes the day when you realize what the correct lyrics are, and you’re like, “Whaaat?”

Wednesday Wisdom 04

In the spirit of gratitude today, thought I’d share a quote from Charlotte’s Web, written by the late, great E.B. White.

“Friendship is one of the most satisfying things in the world.”

Ain’t it the truth?

Wednesday Wisdom 03

And the survey says…

Wow there are a lot of surveys out there these days. They’re everywhere.

Just this week I was asked to respond to four of them, and two were repeat requests. They come every which-a way-too – email, voicemail, snail mail, text message, banner alert. I haven’t met the survey-taking carrier pigeon yet, but I won’t be surprised if he knocks.

Wednesday Wisdom 02

Be kind. Please rewind!

Google will be quick to tell you more about this pic if you weren’t yet alive to experience these beauties firsthand.

But I’m guessing most of you remember the Blockbuster Video days of renting and returning a stack of VHS tapes that fueled a weekend-long movie binge.

Wednesday Wisdom 01

Life is like a box of chocolates.
-Forrest Gump
What better way to kick off Wednesday Wisdom than by quoting Forrest Gump, eh?

Pam Durant Blohm
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