Wednesday Wisdom 04

by | Oct 25, 2023


The mental gymnastics that my brain goes through to spell Wednesday correctly remains puzzling to me, no matter how old I get. Kinda like life.

There’s no doubt I need God’s wisdom to guide me every day. But I need extra on Wednesdays. smile

friends selfie-ww04

The Best Ship Ever

In the spirit of gratitude today, thought I’d share a quote from Charlotte’s Web, written by the late, great E.B. White.

“Friendship is one of the most satisfying things in the world.”

Ain’t it the truth?

The Friends

How delightful it is to share space and time with a fellow human who knows, loves, sees, and understands you.

One who celebrates your successes and cares for you through your failures. One who brings wisdom and guidance, compassion, camaraderie, humor, good food ideas and much coolness to your world on the regular.

One who appreciates that you do the same for them.

One who rides the waves of life along with you, adjusting the equipment as needed.

I am so very thankful for my friends. God has smiled on me with a great big grin.

The Frogs

It’s true that sometimes you must kiss a few frog friends in life, but my hope for you is that in time, true prince friends will come if they haven’t.

If you happen to be just off a frog phase, here’s my humble advice. Find someone interesting who hangs out in your favorite places and… tell them to come read this post.

Haha. Just kidding.


Seriously though, start throwing some genuinely friendly things their way. The kind of kindness that you would like a friend to throw your way.

The Some Friends

On the other hand, if you’re blessed to already have a few awesome peeps in mind after reading this, then stop right now and send them this post.

Haha. Just kidding.


Then message them this, “You are SOME FRIEND.” And if they don’t get it, ask them to please read Charlotte’s Web with you this week. 😊

More Wednesday Wisdom…

Wednesday Wisdom 08

This has become one of my favorite Quotes of the Day.

It resonates with me on so many levels.

I know that too much sugar is not good for me.

But I feel sad, so I want to eat an entire pint of strawberry cheesecake ice cream tonight.

Wednesday Wisdom 07

There are times that I read Scripture and I’m extremely thankful for easy access to a good thesaurus and commentary. Sometimes — many times — I need help to get a deeper understanding of the text and its proper application for my life.

And then, there are passages like Philippians 2:5-11 that immediately leap off the page, dive straight into my heart, and leave me awe struck.

Wednesday Wisdom 06

There is an image in my head of a young woman stuck in quicksand.

It’s a memory that appears every now and then, originating most likely from some scary movie I should have skipped as a kid.

As I recall the scene, this woman was in serious trouble.  She was good and stuck, flailing about, yelling for help.

Wednesday Wisdom 05

If you’re at all like me, you’ve probably misunderstood a song lyric or two in your travels.

And like any other communication misfire, you roll with your version like it’s the truth. You don’t know any better. Yet.

You stay in that holding pattern for years.

Then comes the day when you realize what the correct lyrics are, and you’re like, “Whaaat?”

Wednesday Wisdom 03

And the survey says…

Wow there are a lot of surveys out there these days. They’re everywhere.

Just this week I was asked to respond to four of them, and two were repeat requests. They come every which-a way-too – email, voicemail, snail mail, text message, banner alert. I haven’t met the survey-taking carrier pigeon yet, but I won’t be surprised if he knocks.

Wednesday Wisdom 02

Be kind. Please rewind!

Google will be quick to tell you more about this pic if you weren’t yet alive to experience these beauties firsthand.

But I’m guessing most of you remember the Blockbuster Video days of renting and returning a stack of VHS tapes that fueled a weekend-long movie binge.

Wednesday Wisdom 01

Life is like a box of chocolates.
-Forrest Gump
What better way to kick off Wednesday Wisdom than by quoting Forrest Gump, eh?

Pam Durant Blohm
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